We see the signs.
They’re everywhere.
We are not just in a physical war on Earth. We are in a spiritual one.
Many of us light bearers chose to incarnate here to be of service now.
To restore balance.
To build and strengthen community.
To release and transmute fear and scarcity.
We have come to create more beauty, freedom, love, health, harmony, and abundance for all.
We’ve been preparing for this.
We are equipped for these times.
My entire soul’s journey has led me to this moment for our Earth and humanity.
Truth is…there is no separation. There are no divisions, nor opposites.
As eternal beings, we live in a Unified field of Creation. Therefore, there is nothing to fear. Only neutrality to be offered to everyone and everything.
love heals
we are eternal
Everything in this world exists through the power of relationships. And relationships offer the lens through which everything in life works. The pistil-stamen, light-matter, fluidity-construct, sun-moon, everything in life operates according to this law.
The darkness we see around us is often viewed through the wound of separation. However between a descent into the unconscious mind and an ascent into the conscious mind, there are no divisions, only patterns, sequences, and layers. Arriving together at a deeper understanding of how we belong to our host planet and to everyone and everything around us will usher in our next evolution.
From the chaos
we will begin again
as true humans
Work with me
and learn my most powerful tool,
My Rainbow Light Body Meditation
Understanding Life as Unified
When we live with an open heart from the deeper presence of our innate knowing soul, we gain access to the informed, unified field around us. This allows us to make choices that not only serve our highest good, but the highest good of all.
Moving from limited seeing to innate knowing requires curiosity and courage. Opening our hearts requires us to heal the trauma. But the map to collectively thrive already lives inside of each one of us. It begins with accepting that we co-designed our journeys here on Earth to support us in experiencing the full dynamics of our Universe.
Life is truly working for us.
We are on this planet to evolve and learn. When we embrace all that has occurred in our lives as necessary experience, we can remove the labels we put on events and situations stored in the memory as trauma, wrong, or blame. We can see into the divine intelligence of each person’s life as it contributes to the whole.
My work here is to serve and support the balance, restoration, and harmony of all of our relationships especially the ones between our souls, our bodies, our cosmos, our Source, and our Earth.
Language is the means through which consciousness emerges and this is very much a part of our curriculum - to create the language and energetic architecture that allow for the natural unfolding of our evolution toward Unity.
connect to the Source of all Life
Coming fully into the body, inhabiting every inch of our human form with our full presence is essential in our next steps. We need to be present if we are to increase awareness of ourselves and our personal sphere. It is awareness that leads to enhanced consciousness.
And how else will we fully harness our greatest gifts of empathy, imagination, and intuition if we are not living as our true Selves?
Seeing the body as the denser expression of our etheric body, which displays the Light that is our true energy Source and that of all creation, is the precursor to greater vibrancy and vitality. It is to live not from 'willpower', but to open to the divine intelligence and inspiration that guides our earthly lives.
We are Source Light powered beings.
As it is above, so it is below. As within, so without.
Understanding life as Unified invites us to see “Reality” from an entirely new lens, where the outer reflection is but a mirror of the inner, and all parts are connected and wholly interdependent. The more we lean into Life itself as our guide, the more doors will open that offer solutions to create greater peace and harmony.
Through Life itself we evolve into higher octaves of joy and states of consciousness. And only through life do we awaken the greater mysteries to experience the Eternal.
it is a process